LLL (Lifelong Learning)
In the field of safety and digitalization, there are many new developments that require regular updating of knowledge and skills. The CVD's Lifelong Learning (LLO) program is developing a system of learning communities in which experts from businesses, social institutions, and knowledge partners collaborate. The catalysts in these learning communities are short courses that align with the daily practice of participating experts.
In close collaboration with the mentioned partners, the CVD develops and implements courses with data-driven organizations, safety regions and municipalities, and SMEs. Leadership in Digital Transformation courses are conducted in collaboration with Achmea, Kadaster, the Tax and Customs Administration, the National Police, Police Academy, and VNG. Alumni circles from these courses anchor the outcomes within their own organizations.

LLO Working Group
The LLO working group, composed of collaborating experts from knowledge institutions, is developing the LLO offerings. In discussions with companies and societal partners, the CVD identifies needs and organizes the development and implementation of courses, training, and workshops. To work successfully in an offering-oriented manner, we consistently engage with HRM and Learning & Development departments of organizations. Co-creation, collaboration, and leveraging each other's expertise are the norms.
Our strategic account managers, Mariska de Roo (CVD and UT), Eline Bleiswijk (CVD and Saxion), and Frouke Zieleman (CVD and Aventus), are the points of contact to assess needs and guide the collaboration with CVD towards effective LLO solutions.
For and with SMEs
A program is being developed for and with SMEs to enhance their cybersecurity resilience. The focus is on collaboration with networks and associations of SMEs, industry organizations, financiers and insurers, and specialized advisors. Collaborating with all CVD partners, the three Digital Workplaces, ROC Deltion, ROC van Twente, OostNL, Platform Veilig Ondernemen Oost Nederland, MKB Deventer, VNO-NCW Midden-Nederland, the Fraud Helpdesk, and with the support of the provinces Gelderland and Overijssel, EDIH East-Netherlands, CyberveiligNL, and all involved national expertise forums, we have developed the Katapult program consortium 'Digitalization SME wide and Cybersecurity' in recent months.
Collaboration Agreement
A collaboration agreement has been signed with the East Netherlands Police Unit, focusing primarily on LLO activities, including further expanding the course developed by Saxion in collaboration with them and the course 'Basic Cybercrime and Security' offered by Aventus. For more information, visit: https://www.cvdnederland.nl/ni...
On June 29, our partner Security Delta (HSD) celebrated its 10th anniversary in a festive manner. Over the past year, we have worked closely with HSD, dcypher, the Top Sector ICT, and involved ministries to establish collaboration agreements. Each involved ministry has published policy notes and implementation agendas in 2022, expressing a widely shared concern about the need to tap into and develop many more talents in the field of cybersecurity. Together with HSD, we have published the Human Capital Agenda Security. Based on the HCA, we will develop action plans in collaboration with the mentioned partners and ministries in the areas of talent development and LLO. To learn more, visit: https://www.cvdnederland.nl/ni...
For further information, contact Gerard Bak, program manager LLO, at info@cvdnederland.nl.